Mark W. Baker
Edição Lua de Papel
Como os ensinamentos de Jesus nos ajudam a encontrar o equilíbrio psicológico
Mark Baker, um terapeuta com profundos conhecimentos da Bíblia, vem mostrar-nos que a mensagem de Cristo é perfeitamente compatível com os princípios da psicologia. E mais. As sagradas escrituras contêm a chave da saúde emocional, do bem-estar e do crescimento pessoal. Numa linguagem simples e cativante, o autor relaciona os ensinamentos de Jesus às mais recentes descobertas da Psicologia provando que, qualquer que seja a nossa crença religiosa ou filosofia de vida, todos podemos beneficiar da sabedoria do maior psicólogo de todos os tempos.
Dear Sir,
My beloved brother in Christ Jesus,
I’m an evangelical Christian in Portugal (Europe) and I’ve just finished reading your book “ The greatest phychologist who ever lived: Jesus and the wisdom of the soul” that has been published here recently.
I’ve been struggling all my life (I’m 47 years old) with wrong beliefs about myself which have taken me to several problems in relationships with others and myself.
Your book has helped me so much that I think it should be read by every Christian on this planet !!!!
Now I’m starting to understand where my beliefs were wrong!
Accept my sincere thanks for being such a blessed instrument in the Hands of The Lord and may He bless you and your work in helping others, fulfilling in that way His Will.
John 13:35
Yours in Christ
Abel Varandas
Thank you for letting me know how my book has helped. I felt led by God to write it for the very reasons you found it helpful. May God continue to bless you with wisdom and growth.
Dr. Mark Baker
Mark W. Baker, Ph.D.Executive DirectorLa Vie Counseling Centers650 Sierra Madre Villa, Suite 110Pasadena, Ca. 91107626-351-9616 x107
My beloved brother in Christ Jesus,
I’m an evangelical Christian in Portugal (Europe) and I’ve just finished reading your book “ The greatest phychologist who ever lived: Jesus and the wisdom of the soul” that has been published here recently.
I’ve been struggling all my life (I’m 47 years old) with wrong beliefs about myself which have taken me to several problems in relationships with others and myself.
Your book has helped me so much that I think it should be read by every Christian on this planet !!!!
Now I’m starting to understand where my beliefs were wrong!
Accept my sincere thanks for being such a blessed instrument in the Hands of The Lord and may He bless you and your work in helping others, fulfilling in that way His Will.
John 13:35
Yours in Christ
Abel Varandas
Thank you for letting me know how my book has helped. I felt led by God to write it for the very reasons you found it helpful. May God continue to bless you with wisdom and growth.
Dr. Mark Baker
Mark W. Baker, Ph.D.Executive DirectorLa Vie Counseling Centers650 Sierra Madre Villa, Suite 110Pasadena, Ca. 91107626-351-9616 x107